Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Mustard available for sale

Mustard is grown as major oil seed crop in Rabi season in Sheopur region. Sheopur is located near Chambal river. There is sufficient water for mustard production. Quality of mustard is good due favorable climatic conditions. Oil content in mustard is higher than neighboring region. Company provide best quality seeds and other farm inputs to farmers at very competitive price. Company is interested is supply of mustard on long term basis. There is opportunity to run a contract farming program for mustard crop in this region.

Chemical pesticide use is very limited in this region due to poverty and less development in agriculture sector. Generally mustard is sown in November month and it harvested in March month.  There is good network and deep penetration of company among farmers. This is helpful in reduction of profit share taken by middlemen and buyer can get mustard at a very competitive price. Company have all the necessary licenses for procurement of mustard. If any organization is interested in introduction of specific Mustard variety then company can handle the complete assignment as per guideline of buyer.

Mustard is processed into edible mustard oil and mustard oil cake. There is heavy demand of mustard oil in Indian market. Mustard oil is used as cooking oil in preparation in vegetables, snacks and curries. Mustard is also used as spices sweets. Interested mustard oil processing industries are invited for profitable business association. We believe in trust, transparency, and sustainability.

Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajeevika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.

Gram ( Chana ) available for sale

Gram ( Chana ) is grown as major pulses crop in Rabi season in Sheopur region. Sheopur is located near Chambal river. There is sufficient water for Gram ( Chana )  production. Quality of Gram ( Chana )  is good due favourable climatic conditions. Company provide best quality seeds and other farm inputs to farmers at very competitive price. Company is interested is supply of Gram ( Chana )  on long term basis.  There is opportunity to run a contract farming program for Gram ( Chana )  crop in this region.

Chemical pesticide use is very limited in this region due to poverty and less development in agriculture sector. Generally, Gram ( Chana )  is sown in November month and it harvested in March month.  There is good network and deep penetration of company among farmers. This is helpful in reduction of profit share taken by middlemen and buyer can get Gram ( Chana )  at a very competitive price. Company have all the necessary licenses for procurement of Gram ( Chana )  If any organization is interested in introduction of specific Gram ( Chana ) variety then company can handle the complete assignment as per guideline of buyer.

Chana is processed into dal and besan. There is heavy demand of chana dal in Indian market. Chana besan used in preparation in manay dishes and sweets. Interested Chana dal processing industries, and Besan industries are invited for profitable business association. We believe in trust, transparency, and sustainability.

Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajeevika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Wheat available for sale

Wheat is grown as major crop in Rabi season in Sheopur region. Sheopur is located near Chambal river. There is sufficient water for wheat production. Quality of wheat is good due favourable climatic conditions. Company provide best quality seeds and other farm inputs to farmers at very competitive price. Company is interested is supply of wheat on long term basis.  There is opportunity to run a contract farming program for wheat crop in this region. 

Chemical pesticide use is very limited in this region due to poverty and less development in agriculture sector. Generally, wheat is sown in November month and it harvested in April month.  There is good network and deep penetration of company among farmers. This is helpful in reduction of profit share taken by middlemen and buyer can get wheat at a very competitive price. Company have all the necessary licenses for procurement of wheat. If any organization is interested in introduction of specific wheat variety then company can handle the complete assignment as per guideline of buyer.

Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajeevika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajeevika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.

Amla / Aonla available for sale

According to Ayurveda, amla balances all three doshas. While amla is unusual in that it contains five out of the six tastes recognized by Ayurveda, it is most important to recognize the effects of the "virya", or potency, and "vipaka", or post-digestive effect. Considered in this light, amla is particularly helpful in reducing pitta because of its cooling energy. It also balances both Pitta and vata by virtue of its sweet taste. The kapha is balanced primarily due to its drying action. It may be used as a rasayana (rejuvenative) to promote longevity, and traditionally to enhance digestion (dipanapachana), treat constipation (anuloma), reduce fever (jvaraghna), purify the blood (raktaprasadana), reduce cough (kasahara), alleviate asthma (svasahara), strengthen the heart (hrdaya), benefit the eyes (chakshushya), stimulate hair growth (romasanjana), enliven the body (jivaniya), and enhance intellect (medhya).

The tree is small to medium in size, reaching 1–8 m (3 ft 3 in–26 ft 3 in) in height. The branchlets are not glabrous or finely pubescent, 10–20 cm (3.9–7.9 in) long, usually deciduous; the leaves are simple, subsessile and closely set along branchlets, light green, resembling pinnate leaves. The flowers are greenish-yellow. The fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth and hard on appearance, with six vertical stripes or furrows. Ripening in autumn, the berries are harvested by hand after climbing to upper branches bearing the fruits. The taste of Indian emblic is sour, bitter and astringent, and it is quite fibrous. In India, it is common to eat emblic steeped in salt water and red chilli powder to make the sour fruits palatable

In Ayurvedic polyherbal formulations, Indian gooseberry is a common constituent, and most notably is the primary ingredient in an ancient herbal rasayana called Chyawanprash. This formula, which contains 43 herbal ingredients as well as clarified butter, sesame oil, sugar cane juice, and honey, was first mentioned in the Charaka Samhita as a premier rejuvenative compound. Although these fruits are reputed to contain high amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), up to 445 mg per 100 g, the specific contents are disputed, and the overall antioxidant strength of amla may derive instead from its high density of ellagitannins such as emblicanin A (37%), emblicanin B (33%), punigluconin (12%) and pedunculagin (14%). It also contains punicafolin and phyllanemblinin A, phyllanemblin other polyphenols: flavonoids, kaempferol, ellagic acid and gallic acid.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajivika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajivika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Bael ( Bilva, Bel, Bil) available for sale

Aegle marmelos, commonly known as bael (or bili or bhel), also Bengal quince, golden apple, Japanese bitter orange, stone apple, or wood apple, is a species of tree native to Bangladesh and India. It is present throughout Southeast Asia as a naturalized species. The tree is considered to be sacred by Hindus. Its fruits are used in traditional medicine and as a food throughout its range. The tree is called "bael" (বেল) in Bengali, "belpatthar ka paid" or "बेल पत्र का पेड़"in Hindi "belaache zaad" or "बेलाचे झाड" in Marathi, "ಬಿಲ್ಪತ್ರೆ ಮರ" and the religious tree "ಬಿಲ್ವ" or "ಬಿಲ್ಪತ್ರೆ" in Kannada, "vilvamaram" (வில்வமரம்) in Tamil, "beli" (බෙලි) in Sinhala. The fruits are known as ಬೇಲದ ಹಣ್ಣು (edible variety), ಬಿಲ್ವ (sacred variety) in Kannada, "bela" (ବେଲ) in Odia, and bilva and maredu (మారేడు) in Telugu. Billu (બિલ્લુ ) in Gujarati. It is called Sivadruma by the Hindus and is considered as a sacred herb.

The bael fruit typically has a diameter of between 5 and 12 cm. It is globose or slightly pear-shaped with a thick, hard rind and is not splitting upon ripening. The woody shell is smooth and green, gray until it is fully ripe when it turns yellow. Inside are 8 to 15 or 20 sections filled with aromatic orange pulp, each section with 6 (8) to 10 (15) flattened-oblong seeds each about 1 cm long, bearing woolly hairs and each enclosed in a sac of adhesive, transparent mucilage that solidifies on drying. The exact number of seeds varies in different publications. It takes about 11 months to ripen on the tree and can reach the size of a large grapefruit or pomelo, and some are even larger. The shell is so hard it must be cracked with a hammer or machete. The fibrous yellow pulp is very aromatic. It has been described as tasting of marmalade and smelling of roses. Boning (2006) indicates that the flavor is "sweet, aromatic and pleasant, although tangy and slightly astringent in some varieties. It resembles a marmalade made, in part, with citrus and, in part, with tamarind." Numerous hairy seeds are encapsulated in a slimy mucilage.

Bael is a native of India and is found widely in Asia, in northern, central, eastern and southern parts of India, as well as in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, southern Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.[citation needed] It is widely found in Indian Siva temples.[citation needed] It occurs in dry, open forests on hills and plains.[citation needed] at altitudes from sea level to around 1200m with mean annual rainfall of 570-2,000 mm. It is cultivated throughout India, as well as in Sri Lanka, the northern Malay Peninsula, Java, Timor Leste, the Philippines, and Fiji. It has a reputation in India for being able to grow in places that other trees cannot. It copes with a wide range of soil conditions (pH range 5-10), is tolerant of waterlogging and has an unusually wide temperature tolerance (from -7 °C to 48 °C). It requires a pronounced dry season to give fruit. This tree is a larval foodplant for the following two Indian Swallowtail butterflies, the Lime butterfly Papilio demoleus, and the Common Mormon: Papilio polytes.

The fruits can be eaten either freshly from trees or after being dried. If fresh, the juice is strained and sweetened to make a drink similar to lemonade. It can be made into sharbat (Hindi/Urdu) or Bela pana (Odia: ବେଲ ପଣା), a very popular summer drink in almost every household. The Drink is especially significant on the Odiya New Year (Pana Sankranti) which is in April. Bela Pana made in Odisha has fresh cheese, milk, water, fruit pulp, sugar, crushed black pepper, ice or bæl pana (Bengali: বেল পানা), a drink made of the pulp with water, sugar, and citron juice, mixed, left to stand a few hours, strained, and put on ice. One large bæl fruit may yield five or six liters of sharbat. If the fruit is to be dried, it is usually sliced and sun-dried. The hard leathery slices are then immersed in water. The leaves and small shoots are eaten as salad greens.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajivika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajivika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.

Nagar Motha (Cyperus ) available for sale

Cyperus is known in Chinese as xiangfu or xiangfuzi. The term xiang means fragrant, and usually is applied to strong and pleasant fragrances, such as those occurring in culinary spices, perfumes, and incenses. The character fu is the same as that used to describe aconite (fuzi); the term was likely used because the appearance of the cyperus rhizomes, the part used, reminded herbalists of the aconite roots. In much of the rest of the world, cyperus is referred to as nutgrass or purple nutsedge; the nut is the rhizome (or tuber), which forms rounded or elongated balls along a tangle of thin roots. 

Plant Description: The plant is considered an invasive weed; it has been called "the world's worst weed." The plant requires sun and moist conditions, though it grows in sandy soil (one of the old Chinese names for it was shacao, meaning sand weed), as well as in loamy moist fields and in tropical rainforests. It has a vast growing range, crossing the globe and particularly noted in the Pacific Islands (where its leaves are used for weaving) as well as along coastal regions. It is especially prevalent in southern India, where its essential oil is used in perfumery. As an invasive weed, it is considered troublesome in 92 countries and adversely affects more than 50 crops, including sugar cane, corn, cotton, rice, and many vegetables. Cyperus grows rapidly and fills the soil with its tangle of roots and rhizomes; this one species (C. rotundus) can produce up to 40,000 kg/hectare of underground plant material.

The plant prefers light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It requires moist or wet soil.

Chemical Constituents: Cyperus, like other plants, has numerous chemical constituents, many of which may show pharmacological activity, but the main active components appear to be the sesquiterpenes. These are aromatic, spicy tasting molecules. AMONG THE MAIN SESQUITERPENES IDENTIFIED IN CYPERUS RHIZOMES THUS FAR ARE: α-cyperone, β-selinene, cyperene, cyperotundone, patchoulenone, sugeonol, kobusone, and isokobusone. Cyperus also contains other terpenes, such as the commonly occurring plant component pinene (a monoterpene), and several derivatives of the sesquiterpenes, such as cyperol, isocyperol, and cyperone. These active constituents are found in the volatile oil of cyperus rhizomes, which makes up only about 0.5-1% of the dried rhizome; prolonged cooking of the herb will cause loss of some portion of these constituents. Their main pharmacological actions may be antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Parts Used: Roots

Benefits Of Nagar Motha: Nagar Motha  is recommended for fevers and obesity in Ayurveda. It is very much used in Chinese medicine. Cyperus is a qi-moving medicinal that can also enter the blood aspect; it is traditionally called a qi-in-blood medicinal. It rectifies qi and regulates menstruation, and it is effective for signs such as menstrual irregularities, overdue periods, and abdominal pain during menstruation that is due to liver qi depression in emotionally inhibited women.Nut grass is a pungent bitter-sweet herb that relieves spasms and pain, acting mainly on the digestive system and uterus.They are used internally in the treatment of digestive problems and menstrual complaints. The plant is rated 8th amongst 250 potential antifertility plants in China. The plant is used in the treatment of cervical cancer. Cyperus rotundus is thought to have originated in India and then spread from there during the past 2,000 years (it first appeared in a Chinese medicine book around 500 A.D.). The rhizome is used in Ayurvedic medicine, usually called musta, mustak, or mustaka, and is mentioned in the ancient Caraka Samhita (ca. 500 A.D.). Its uses in modern Ayurvedic medicine are primarily for treating fevers and digestive system disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion, etc.). It is also known as an emenagogue (treats delayed menstruation) and an analgesic useful for dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation). Cyperus is considered a diuretic, but it must be combined with other diuretics to yield a desired result in treating urinary disorders. It is classified as being bitter and astringent, light and dry, cold, pungent (aromatic), and pacifying kapha and pitta (5, 6). Cyperus is an ingredient in popular Ayurvedic formulas such as the herbal honey Chyawanprash, and the women's blood tonic and uterine regulating formula Ashokarishta. It may also be used as a single herb remedy for obesity, digestive problems, fevers.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajivika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajivika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Gymnema Sylvestre or Gudmar for sale

Gymnema sylvestre or Gudmar is a large woody climbing plant that is extensively used in Ayurveda for treatment of diabetes for many centuries. This herb is found distributed throughout the India, in dry forests up to 600 m height and especially in tropical forest of Central and Southern India. It is also found in Konkan, Western Ghats, Deccan extending to the parts of western and northern India.

Gymnema Sylvestre or Gurmar is also used in Unani and Homeopathic system of medicine for treatment of diabetes. It is also used in treatment of many other diseases such as urinary complaints, obesity as well as alter lipid and glucose metabolism, cough, difficult breathing, ulcers pain in eye, snakebite, stomach ache etc. For medicinal purpose mainly the leaf of plant is used. The chewing of fresh leaves have the remarkable property of paralysing taste buds temporarily for sweet taste for some time. This effect is probably due to direct interaction of the active ingredients present in leaves (some oleanane type triterpene glycosides, called saponins) with the taste buds. This medicinal herb is known as Madhunashini (Sanskrit) and Gurmar (Hindi) the literal meaning of all these word is one that destroys sugar. This herb is one of the ingredients in many Ayurvedic formulations such as Ayaskrti, Varunadi kasaya, Varunadighritam, Mahakalyanakaghrtam etc.

Plant description : Woody, large climber running over tops of high trees;young branches slender and pubescent;leaves opposite, simple, petioles 0.6-1.2 cm, stout or slender, lamina 2.5-6.25 cm in length, elliptic or ovate, thinly coriaceous, upper surface rarely pubescent;cymes subglobose, ± 1.25 cm in diameter;flowers yellow, ±0.2 cm in diameter;follicles slender, ±5-7.5 by 0.8 cm;seeds pale brown, flat, long with thin broad marginal wing. Distributed in: Asia, tropical Africa and Australia

Chemical contents of Leaf:Triterpenoid saponins of gymnemic acid A, B, C and D with sugar residues such as glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, ferulic and angelic acids attached as carboxylic acids. Several isopropylene derivatives of gymnemagenin, a hexahydroterpene, gymnemagenin, gymnemic acid. The leaves also contain betaine, choline, gymnamine alkaloids, inositol, d-quercitol. Hydrocarbons such as nonacosane, hentriacontane, tritriacontane, pentatriacontane, phytin, resin, tartaric acid, form acid, butyric acid, amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, valine, alanine, ?-butyric acid. Important medicinal properties: Anti-diabetic, Diuretic, Anti-obesity, Laxative, Stimulant, Anti-microbial, Anti-hypercholesterolemic, Liver-protective, Sweet-suppressing activity, Aphrodisiac. Medicinal Uses Gurmar/Dhuleti/G. sylvestre, Gurmar or G. sylvestre is extensively used in making of Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of diabetes. There are about fifty five patents of Gymnema Sylvestre mainly on diabetes. As a folk medicine, the leaves of plant are used fresh or in dried form. The dried powder is given in dose of 3-5 grams for treatment of diabetes and other ailments. The leaf powder can be mixed with cow’s milk and taken orally to treat diabetes. One or two fresh leaves of the plant are chewed daily to control diabetes and keep the sugar level optimum. The leaves of plant are used as tea to treat obesity, gastric acid, stomach aches and UTI (Urinary tract infections). The tea is prepared by pouring boiling water (1 cup) on Gurmar leaves and steeping for 10-15 minutes in covered pot. In cornea opacity and other eye diseases the extract of leaves is applied topically. The root powder is taken orally and also applied on the bitten spot to treat snake bite. The root paste is applied directly on wounds of snake bites.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajivika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajivika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.