Saturday, April 8, 2017

Gymnema Sylvestre or Gudmar for sale

Gymnema sylvestre or Gudmar is a large woody climbing plant that is extensively used in Ayurveda for treatment of diabetes for many centuries. This herb is found distributed throughout the India, in dry forests up to 600 m height and especially in tropical forest of Central and Southern India. It is also found in Konkan, Western Ghats, Deccan extending to the parts of western and northern India.

Gymnema Sylvestre or Gurmar is also used in Unani and Homeopathic system of medicine for treatment of diabetes. It is also used in treatment of many other diseases such as urinary complaints, obesity as well as alter lipid and glucose metabolism, cough, difficult breathing, ulcers pain in eye, snakebite, stomach ache etc. For medicinal purpose mainly the leaf of plant is used. The chewing of fresh leaves have the remarkable property of paralysing taste buds temporarily for sweet taste for some time. This effect is probably due to direct interaction of the active ingredients present in leaves (some oleanane type triterpene glycosides, called saponins) with the taste buds. This medicinal herb is known as Madhunashini (Sanskrit) and Gurmar (Hindi) the literal meaning of all these word is one that destroys sugar. This herb is one of the ingredients in many Ayurvedic formulations such as Ayaskrti, Varunadi kasaya, Varunadighritam, Mahakalyanakaghrtam etc.

Plant description : Woody, large climber running over tops of high trees;young branches slender and pubescent;leaves opposite, simple, petioles 0.6-1.2 cm, stout or slender, lamina 2.5-6.25 cm in length, elliptic or ovate, thinly coriaceous, upper surface rarely pubescent;cymes subglobose, ± 1.25 cm in diameter;flowers yellow, ±0.2 cm in diameter;follicles slender, ±5-7.5 by 0.8 cm;seeds pale brown, flat, long with thin broad marginal wing. Distributed in: Asia, tropical Africa and Australia

Chemical contents of Leaf:Triterpenoid saponins of gymnemic acid A, B, C and D with sugar residues such as glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, ferulic and angelic acids attached as carboxylic acids. Several isopropylene derivatives of gymnemagenin, a hexahydroterpene, gymnemagenin, gymnemic acid. The leaves also contain betaine, choline, gymnamine alkaloids, inositol, d-quercitol. Hydrocarbons such as nonacosane, hentriacontane, tritriacontane, pentatriacontane, phytin, resin, tartaric acid, form acid, butyric acid, amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, valine, alanine, ?-butyric acid. Important medicinal properties: Anti-diabetic, Diuretic, Anti-obesity, Laxative, Stimulant, Anti-microbial, Anti-hypercholesterolemic, Liver-protective, Sweet-suppressing activity, Aphrodisiac. Medicinal Uses Gurmar/Dhuleti/G. sylvestre, Gurmar or G. sylvestre is extensively used in making of Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of diabetes. There are about fifty five patents of Gymnema Sylvestre mainly on diabetes. As a folk medicine, the leaves of plant are used fresh or in dried form. The dried powder is given in dose of 3-5 grams for treatment of diabetes and other ailments. The leaf powder can be mixed with cow’s milk and taken orally to treat diabetes. One or two fresh leaves of the plant are chewed daily to control diabetes and keep the sugar level optimum. The leaves of plant are used as tea to treat obesity, gastric acid, stomach aches and UTI (Urinary tract infections). The tea is prepared by pouring boiling water (1 cup) on Gurmar leaves and steeping for 10-15 minutes in covered pot. In cornea opacity and other eye diseases the extract of leaves is applied topically. The root powder is taken orally and also applied on the bitten spot to treat snake bite. The root paste is applied directly on wounds of snake bites.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is procuring and selling farm produces to end costumers and industrial buyers on regular basis at a competitive price with consistent quality. Company is want to be a part to strong supply chain management system of agriculture commodities produced by farmers of Sheopur region. 

At another side, company have strong customer base in Sheopur district and nearby area. Company have very niche market where company want to involve in distributorship, marketing and selling of good and products. Aajivika Producer Company Limited have good business potential of agriculture inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, growth promoters, manures, and other agrochemicals), Non timber forest produce, Agriculture services, Agriculture implements, FMCG products, Consumer durable.

Aajivika Producer Company Limited is engaged in improvement of  financial health of farmers and tribal people by reducing their cost and providing real value of their produce. Company is interested to be part of sustainable financial ecology which can assist farmers and producers in improvement of their financial health. Aajivika Producer Company Limited is open for adoption of latest high tech technology & modern concept which can give an added advantage to farmers and tribal at local, national, and international level.


  1. Hello.I would like to try growing gymnema sylvestre in the north of Israel.Woild it be possible to purchase 50 grams to experiment with.thank you Jacky.

  2. I live India in California Sacramento I need gudmar plant hoe can I get if any one have sale pls call me 9162566642 thanks

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  4. Thanks for the information. I really like the way you express complex topics in lucid way. It really helps me understand it much better way. gymnema sylvestre

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